Our New Normal

With the easing of restrictions as a result of COVID-19 we are currently transitioning back to face-to-face appointments within the clinic. We have made every effort to ensure that this transition is as smooth and as safe as possible for all our clients and staff and have secured additional space within our Ormiston precinct to ensure we maintain the appropriate social distancing.

Upon entrance to the practice, we will be taking temperatures, asking all to use hand sanitiser but most importantly, we ask that if you or your child are unwell, please call and rearrange your appointment to a time when you are feeling better.

Tele health and home visits continue to be an important part of our business here at Optimum Movement and we will continue to offer these services throughout this period. If you wish to speak to someone about how Tele health may work for you or book an appointment please call us on 3821 3399. We understand that this has been a difficult time for everyone to navigate and really do appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we transition to “our new normal”.